Thursday 16 February 2012

Medical Entrance Exam

Medical Exam

India is known for its strong medical foundation, as the percentage at which it is attracting the patients for its best medical services at cheaper cost is increasing without fail. Recently, the medical tourism is also increasing at a faster race, which means, people from other foreign countries are visiting India, exclusively for medical purposes and getting operated, likewise the percentage of Indian doctors visiting other countries for helping the doctors over there in operations is also tremendously increasing. Some of the entrance examinations, which are acting as a strong gate for great medical foundation in India, are described here.

All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)

It is been conducted by the CBSE till date, by adhering to the rules and regulations that are framed by the Supreme Court of India for 15% of medical seats on merit basis. It comprises of two types of examinations, namely, the preliminary and the final examinations. The preliminary examination consists of 200 objective type questions from the subjects namely, physics, chemistry and biology and the final examination consists of 120 objective type questions from physics, chemistry and biology. The AIPMT has got great significance, as most of the prominent and standard medical colleges would be definitely admitting their students only, via AIPMT.

All India Common Entrance Test (AICET)

This is conducted by the All India Medical Association Center for the medical, dental and other medical admissions in India. The question pattern comprises of questions from physics, chemistry, botany and zoology. The All India Medical Association Center in turn is affiliated to the rules and regulations of the Supreme Court in India. Hence, the students are expected to bear a basic eligibility of holding equal to, or more than 50% of marks in the subjects like, physics, chemistry and biology of their 12th standards examinations.

Armed Forces Medical College Entrance Examination (AFMC Entrance Exam)

This entrance examination is been designed and developed for the postgraduate medical admissions in the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune and is affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Services and is also recognized by the Medical Council of India. It is also managed by the Indian Armed Forces. This entrance exam comprises of questions from biology, physics, and chemistry. But in addition to all this, it also includes questions, testing the English language skills, comprehension skills, logical reasoning skills, and questions to test the intelligence level of the participants, thus accounting
to 200 objective type questions on the whole.

Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges (AMUPMDC)

It is the only association, which is conducting a common entrance examination for the admissions to the postgraduate courses, involving both dental and medical degrees for the private medical colleges in Maharashtra, which would also fall under the category of unaided colleges in Maharashtra. The question pattern consists of multiple choice questions from the subjects, namely, physics, chemistry and biology, thereby totally accounting to 200 questions. This entrance exam would be conducted for the admissions of around 6000 students for around 1700 MBBS, and more than 1750 BDs seats and also for other medical courses in Maharashtra.


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