Monday 20 February 2012

Civil Service Examination

Civil Service Examination

Civil Services Aptitude Test CSAT

IAS,IPS,IFS,IRS Exam - New Pattern
This is the first stage of Civil Services Examination. It is an Objective type examination consisting of Two Papers that is common to all candidates from 2011 having special emphasis on testing their “aptitude for civil services” as well as on “ethical and moral dimension of decision making”. The details are yet to be published and all candidates for CSAT are advised to concentrate more on General Studies of Preliminary examination

Civil Services Main Examination

IAS,IPS,IFS,IRS Descriptive Exam
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) selects, successful cadidates to Main Examination i.e. about 10 - 14 times of the total number of vacancies mentioned in the Notification. It is a descriptive examination.

Civil Services - Interview

The Final Stage
This is the last stage of Indian Civil Service Examination. Interview has 200 marks and it will be counted for final list of candidates. Usually double the number of vacancies will be selected for the interview subjected to the reservation for various categories. It is advised that all candidates should prepare about the details given in the main application form


very informative & helpful .. I have been enrolled in IAS General Studies at and need guidance so as what else I should do to prepare my best for the ias prelims.

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